• Physics
  • Histopathology Items
  • Microbiology Lab Consumables List
  • Nanotecnologylab Consumables List
  • Pathology Lab Consumables


  • Accelerometer, physical, acceleration
  • Ammeter, electrical, amperage, current
  • Caliper, distance
  • Calorimeter, heat
  • DNA sequencer, molecular biology
  • Dynamometer, torque/force
  • Electrometer, electric charge, potential difference
  • Electroscope, electric charge
  • Ellipsometer, optical refractive indices
  • Telescope, light magnification (astronomy)
  • Thermometer, temperature measurement
  • Thermocouple, temperature
  • Voltmeter, voltage
  • Seismometer, acceleration
  • Spectrogram, sound frequency, wavelength, amplitude
  • Electrostatic analyzer, kinetic energy of charged particles
  • Mass spectrometer, compound identification/characterization
  • Anemometer, wind speed
  • Theodolite, angles, surveying
  • Eudiometer, gas volume
  • Gravimeter, gravity
  • Hydrometer
  • Inclinometer, slope
  • Interferometer, optics, infrared light spectra
  • Magnetograph, magnetic field
  • Magnetometer, magnetic flux
  • Manometer, air pressure
  • Micrometer, distance
  • Microscope, optical magnification
  • Ohmmeter, electrical resistance/impedance
  • NMR spectrometer, chemical compound identification, medical diagnostic imaging
  • Oscilloscope, electric signal voltage, amplitude, wavelength, frequency, waveform shape/pattern
  • Spectrometer, light frequency, wavelength, amplitude

Histopathology Items

  • Microtome blades
  • Paraffin wax
  • Tissue cassettes
  • Histology slides
  • Cover slips
  • Staining racks
  • Xylene
  • Ethanol (various grades)
  • Formalin
  • Embedding medium
  • Tissue processor reagents
  • Hematoxylin
  • Eosin
  • Mounting medium
  • Immunohistochemistry reagents
  • Antibodies
  • Chromogens
  • Blocking serum
  • Wash buffers
  • Detection kits
  • Dilution buffers
  • Plastic pipettes
  • Glass pipettes
  • Microcentrifuge tubes
  • Forceps
  • Scissors
  • Scalpels
  • Disposable gloves
  • Lab coats
  • Biohazard bags
  • Sharps containers
  • Cleaning wipes
  • Filter paper
  • Tissue embedding molds
  • Specimen bags
  • Histology staining solutions
  • Dehydrating agents
  • Clearing agents
  • Fixatives
  • Antigen retrieval solutions
  • pH paper
  • Slide labeling tape
  • Gelatin capsules (for embedding)
  • Staining jars
  • Water baths
  • Heating plates
  • Ice packs
  • Specimen collection containers
  • Lab markers
  • Safety goggles
  • Centrifuge tubes
  • Magnetic stir bars
  • Disposable pipette tips
  • Petri dishes
  • Vortex mixer
  • Filter units
  • Disposable spatulas
  • Syringes
  • Disposable culture plates
  • Histology books and manuals
  • Microbial growth media
  • Glass beakers
  • Plastic storage containers
  • pH meters
  • Digital thermometers
  • Caution tape
  • Histology imaging software
  • Freezer bags
  • Drying ovens
  • Liquid nitrogen containers
  • PCR tubes
  • Histology labels
  • Adhesive labels
  • Biopsy needles
  • Specimen orientation tools
  • Calipers
  • Ruler
  • Digital scales
  • Biological safety cabinets
  • Vacuum desiccators
  • Histology brush
  • Cryostat blades
  • Lab journals
  • Magnetic racks
  • Slide storage trays
  • Tissue microarray kits
  • Plastic transfer pipettes
  • Parafilm
  • Tissue embedding machines
  • Cryogenic vials
  • Bacterial culture tubes
  • Serum separator tubes
  • Assay plates
  • RNA extraction kits
  • DNA extraction kits
  • Cleaning solvents

1.Tissue Processing Supplies

  • Embedding medium
  • Paraffin wax
  • Cassettes (plastic and paper)
  • Coverslips
  • Microtome blades
  • Tissue processors (disposable filters)
  • Forceps (disposable)

2.Staining Supplies

  • Hematoxylin
  • Eosin
  • Giemsa stain
  • Masson's trichrome stain
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC) antibodies
  • DAB (diaminobenzidine) substrate
  • Mounting medium
  • Staining racks
  • Reagents for special stains (e.g., PAS, silver stain)

3.Slide Preparation Supplies

  • Microscope slides
  • Adhesive slides
  • Labeling stickers
  • Slide storage boxes
  • Slide drying racks
  • Coverslip media

4.Reagents and Chemicals

  • Ethanol (various concentrations)
  • Xylene
  • Acetic acid
  • Formalin (10% neutral buffered)
  • Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
  • Detergents (for cleaning)
  • Fixatives

5.Equipment Consumables

  • Pipette tips
  • Syringes (various sizes)
  • Specimen containers
  • Biohazard bags
  • Absorbent pads
  • Safety goggles
  • Gloves (nitrile, latex, etc.)
  • Lab coats

6.Histology Supplies

  • Tissue sectioning ribbons
  • Tissue embedding molds
  • Staining jars
  • Waste containers (sharps, chemical)
  • Disposables for IHC (e.g., antibody diluents)

7.Safety Supplies

  • Fume hoods
  • Spill kits
  • First aid kits
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)

8.Personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Notebooks for lab records
  • Ink pens
  • Markers (for labeling)
  • Cleaning supplies (wipes, disinfectants)
  • Storage containers
  • Temperature monitors

9.Temperature monitors

  • Control tissues for IHC
  • Calibration slides
  • Quality control charts

10.Shipping and Transport Supplies

  • Shipping containers for specimens
  • Ice packs
  • Labels for biohazard shippin
  • Specific types of antibody kits (e.g., mouse, rabbit)
  • Antigen retrieval solutions
  • Sample collection tubes (various types)
  • Container caps
  • Scissors (surgical and dissecting)
  • Gauze squares
  • Cotton swabs
  • Film for photography (if applicable)
  • Storage solutions for frozen sections
  • Desiccants for storage

Microbiology Lab Consumables List

General Lab Supplies

  • Petri dishes (sterile)
  • Test tubes (various sizes)
  • Microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL, 2.0 mL)
  • Pipette tips (various sizes)
  • Serological pipettes
  • Pipettors (multichannel and single-channel)
  • Vortex mixer
  • Microcentrifuge
  • Incubator
  • Refrigerator
  • Freezer (-20°C and -80°C)
  • Laminar flow hood
  • Autoclave bags
  • Beakers (various sizes)
  • Graduated cylinders
  • Wash bottles
  • Forceps
  • Scissors
  • Spreader bars
  • Balances (analytical and top-loading)
  • pH meter
  • Thermometers
  • Bunsen burner
  • Sterile swabs
  • Microbial loop
  • Cell spreaders
  • Gloves (nitrile, latex)
  • Lab coats
  • Safety goggles
  • Face shields
  • Biohazard waste bags
  • Spill kits
  • Cleaning wipes
  • Alcohol (70% ethanol)
  • Disinfectants (e.g., bleach)
  • Marker pens (lab-safe)
  • Lab notebooks
  • Labels and label maker
  • Incubator thermometer
  • Water bath
  • Centrifuge rotors
  • Cryovials
  • Sample tubes
  • Heat blocks
  • Magnetic stirrers
  • Stir bars
  • Slide boxes
  • Coverslips
  • Microscope slides
  • Plastic culture plates

Culture Media and Growth Supplements

  • Nutrient agar
  • Tryptic soy agar
  • MacConkey agar
  • Blood agar
  • Sabouraud dextrose agar
  • Mueller-Hinton agar
  • R2A agar
  • Potato dextrose agar
  • Chocolate agar
  • XLD agar (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate)
  • MRS broth (De Man, Rogosa, Sharpe)
  • LB broth (Luria-Bertani)
  • Luria-Bertani agar
  • Peptone water
  • Tryptone broth
  • Yeast extract
  • Agar powder
  • Salt (NaCl)

  • Glucose
  • Glycerol
  • Antibiotics (e.g., ampicillin)
  • pH buffer solutions
  • Selective media (e.g., Cetrimide agar)
  • Differential media (e.g., EMB agar)
  • Enrichment broths (e.g., Selenite F broth)
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Agarose for gel electrophoresis
  • Gel loading dye
  • DNA ladder
  • TAE buffer
  • TBE buffer
  • PCR reagents (dNTPs, primers)
  • Agarose gel electrophoresis equipment
  • Protein assay reagents
  • Chromogenic substrates
  • Enzyme substrates


  • Syringes (various sizes)
  • Filter paper
  • Cell culture flasks
  • Cell culture dishes
  • Falcon tubes (15 mL, 50 mL)
  • Microplate (96-well, 384-well)
  • Cell strainers
  • Tissue culture plates
  • Sterile bags for samples
  • PCR tubes
  • DNA extraction kits
  • RNA extraction kits
  • Protein extraction kits
  • Microtiter plates
  • Squeeze bottles (for media)
  • Disposable gloves
  • Filtered pipette tips
  • Sterile water bottles
  • 96-well plates for ELISA
  • Waste containers for sharps
  • Sterile swabs (for sampling)
  • Biopsy punch
  • Tube racks
  • Plastic droppers
  • Tissue culture inserts
  • Snap-cap tubes
  • Sterile syringes for liquid transfer
  • Tissue culture bottles
  • Microplate sealers
  • PCR plate sealing film
  • Sterile syringes for liquid transfer

Specific Reagents

  • Ethidium bromide
  • GelRed
  • SYBR Green
  • Reverse transcriptase
  • DNA polymerase
  • RNAse inhibitor
  • Primers (for various applications)
  • Restriction enzymes
  • Ligase
  • Buffer solutions for restriction digests
  • Gel electrophoresis running buffer
  • Ethanol (for DNA/RNA precipitation)
  • Isopropanol (for DNA/RNA precipitation)
  • Chloroform (for DNA extraction)
  • Lysis buffer
  • Washing buffer
  • Washing buffer
  • DNA purification columns
  • Protein markers
  • Bacterial transformation kits
  • CRISPR reagents
  • Lipofectamine or transfection reagents
  • Hybridization buffers

Environmental and Sampling Supplies

  • Air sampling plates
  • Environmental monitoring swabs
  • Water sampling bottles
  • Soil sampling kits
  • Temperature data loggers
  • Humidity data loggers
  • pH test strips
  • Water quality test kits
  • Soil moisture sensors
  • Microbial analysis kits

Storage and Organization

  • Freezer boxes (for tubes)
  • Tube racks
  • Slide storage boxes
  • Sample storage bags
  • Reagent storage containers
  • Cryogenic storage vials
  • Refrigerated transport boxes
  • Labeling tape
  • Sample inventory software
  • Freezer inventory sheets

Miscellaneous Items

  • Culture collection plates
  • Bioinformatics software
  • Computer and peripherals
  • Data storage devices
  • Lab safety manuals
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Training materials for lab personnel
  • Lab management software
  • Meeting and collaboration tools
  • Chemical safety data sheets (SDS)

Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Sterilization indicators
  • Autoclave tape
  • Cleaning brushes
  • Vacuum filtration apparatus
  • Glassware cleaning solutions
  • Autoclave cleaners
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Surface disinfectants
  • Water filters
  • Air filters

Specialized Equipment

  • Micropipettes (various volumes)
  • Biological safety cabinet
  • Refrigerated centrifuge
  • Orbital shaker
  • PCR machine (thermal cycler)
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Fluorometer
  • Microplate reader
  • Gel documentation system
  • PCR machine (thermal cycler)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Fume hood
  • Chemical splash goggles
  • N95 respirators
  • Boot covers
  • Hairnets
  • Face masks
  • Vinyl gloves
  • Disposable coveralls
  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters
  • Safety data sheets (SDS) for chemicals

Molecular Biology Specific

  • DNA and RNA quantification reagents
  • Enzyme activity assays
  • Protein purification kits
  • Gel electrophoresis reagents
  • DNA cloning kits
  • Sequencing reagents
  • PCR mastermix
  • Quantitative PCR (qPCR) reagents
  • Sanger sequencing reagents
  • Next-generation sequencing reagents

Antimicrobial and Antiviral Supplies

  • Antibiotic disks
  • Antiviral assay kits
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility test strips
  • Disinfectant solutions
  • Antimicrobial peptides
  • Essential oils for antimicrobial testing
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Surface disinfectants for lab equipment
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Viral transport media

Microbial Culture Storage

  • Culture tubes with closures
  • Glycerol stocks
  • Cryopreservation solutions
  • Culture storage boxes
  • Seed storage bags
  • Freeze-drying vials
  • Storage for microbial culture collections
  • Long-term storage containers
  • Short-term culture containers
  • Agar slants

Inoculation and Isolation

  • Inoculating loops
  • Needle inoculators
  • Streaking tools
  • Isolation agar plates
  • Serial dilution tubes
  • Spreaders for plates
  • Inoculation trays
  • Liquid culture media
  • Transport media for clinical samples
  • Inoculation apparatus

Data and Sample Tracking

  • Laboratory information management system (LIMS)
  • Sample tracking software
  • Barcoding systems
  • Inventory management tools
  • Chain of custody forms
  • Sample labeling systems
  • Electronic lab notebooks
  • Data collection tools
  • Research project management tools
  • Compliance tracking systems

Analytical Supplies

  • 251. Chromatography supplies
  • 252. Mass spectrometry reagents
  • 253. Liquid chromatography (HPLC) supplies
  • 254. GC-MS consumables
  • 255. Column packing materials
  • pH indicators
  • Solvent containers
  • Vials for chromatography
  • Ion exchange resins
  • Sample preparation supplies

Specialty Items

  • Antibody conjugates

Nanotecnologylab Consumables List


  • Acetone
  • Ethanol
  • Methanol
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Nitric acid
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Ammonium hydroxide
  • Toluene
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • Acetic acid
  • Sodium chloride
  • Potassium chloride
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Silver nitrate
  • Gold chloride
  • Iron(III) chloride
  • Copper(II) sulfate
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Tris buffer
  • EDTA
  • Citrate buffer
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
  • Silica gel
  • Aluminina
  • Boron trifluoride
  • Triethylamine


  • Acetonitrile
  • Hexane
  • Chloroform
  • Diethyl ether
  • Acetone
  • Water
  • Methanol
  • Dimethylformamide (DMF)
  • N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)
  • Ethylene glycol

Laboratory Glassware

  • Beakers
  • Flasks (Erlenmeyer)
  • Test tubes
  • Pipettes
  • Burettes
  • Volumetric flasks
  • Petri dishes
  • Vials
  • Culture plates
  • Microwell plates

Consumable Labware

  • Microcentrifuge tubes
  • PCR tubes
  • DNA/RNA extraction kits
  • Filter paper
  • Cell culture flasks
  • Cell culture dishes
  • Tissue culture inserts
  • Serological pipettes
  • Tips for pipettes
  • Cryovials


  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Graphene oxide
  • Silver nanoparticles
  • Gold nanoparticles
  • Iron oxide nanoparticles
  • Silica nanoparticles
  • Quantum dots
  • Liposomes
  • Polymeric nanoparticles
  • Nanoclays

Coatings and Adhesives

  • Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
  • Polyethylene glycol (PEG)
  • Polyacrylamide
  • Epoxy resin
  • Silicone adhesive
  • Cyanoacrylate
  • UV-curable resin
  • Sol-gel precursors
  • Silane coupling agents
  • Gelatin

Biological Consumables

  • Cell culture media
  • Fetal bovine serum (FBS)
  • Antibiotic-antimycotic solution
  • Trypsin-EDTA
  • Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
  • Cell counting kits
  • Transfection reagents
  • RNA isolation kits
  • DNA extraction kits
  • PCR reagents

Equipment Accessories

  • Microcentrifuge tubes
  • Pipette tips
  • PCR plates
  • Gel electrophoresis consumables
  • Blotting membranes
  • PCR reagents
  • Sample storage boxes
  • Cryogenic storage boxes
  • Cooling blocks
  • Lab wipes

Safety Equipment

  • Gloves (nitrile, latex)
  • Lab coats
  • Safety goggles
  • Face shields
  • Fume hoods
  • Spill kits
  • First aid kits
  • Chemical waste bags
  • Safety data sheets (SDS)
  • Respirators

Cleaning Supplies

  • Ethanol wipes
  • Cleaning solvents
  • Lab sponges
  • Laboratory disinfectants
  • Autoclave bags
  • Beaker brushes
  • Glassware detergent
  • Non-sterile wipes
  • Sterile wipes
  • Laboratory mops

Analytical Supplies

  • Calibration standards
  • Spectrophotometer cuvettes
  • pH calibration buffers
  • Conductivity standards
  • Titration reagents
  • Analytical balances
  • Thermometers
  • Refractometers
  • Gas chromatography columns
  • HPLC solvents

Packaging Materials

  • Bubble wrap
  • Foam inserts
  • Zip-lock bags
  • Vials with screw caps
  • Sample labels
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Packing tape
  • Shipping containers
  • Ice packs
  • Coolers

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Marker pens
  • Notebooks
  • Lab timers
  • Scissors
  • Rulers
  • Sample holders
  • Tweezers
  • Spatulas
  • Forceps
  • Utility knives

Specialized Nanotechnology Supplies

  • Spin coating solutions
  • Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)
  • Nanofiber mats
  • Dendrimers
  • Nanostructured films
  • Microfluidic chips
  • Nanoimprint lithography materials
  • SPM tips
  • Lithography resist
  • Surface modifiers

Data and Software

  • Data storage devices
  • Software licenses for modeling
  • Statistical analysis software
  • Laboratory information management system (LIMS)
  • Electronic lab notebooks

Miscellaneous Equipment Consumables

  • Replacement filters
  • Replacement syringes
  • Lab thermometers
  • Cryostat supplies
  • Power supplies

Tissue and Cellular Consumables

  • Frozen tissue samples
  • Cell lines
  • Embedding media
  • Histology stains
  • Slide covers

Standardization Materials

  • Glass standards
  • Metal standards
  • Nanoparticle standards
  • Calibration weights
  • Reference materials

Research and Development Supplies

  • Experimental kits
  • Prototyping materials
  • Specialty electrodes
  • Sensors for nanomaterials
  • Templates for nanostructures

Environmental and Waste Management

  • Hazardous waste containers
  • Chemical spill absorbents
  • Recycling bins
  • Waste labels
  • Waste disposal bags

Energy and Electronics Consumables

  • Conductive inks
  • Organic solar cell materials
  • Photovoltaic films
  • Battery materials
  • Supercapacitor components

Collaboration and Communication

  • Whiteboards
  • Projector supplies
  • Video conferencing equipment
  • Workshop materials
  • Conference materials

Pathology lab consumables


  • Petri dishes
  • Microscope slides
  • Cover slips
  • Test tubes
  • Centrifuge tubes
  • Pipette tips
  • Serological pipettes
  • Microcentrifuge tubes
  • Culture plates
  • Vortex mixers

Sample Collection and Storage

  • Specimen containers
  • Blood collection tubes (various types)
  • Urine collection containers
  • Swabs (nasal, throat, etc.)
  • Biopsy needles
  • Fixatives (e.g., formalin)
  • Cryovials
  • Transport media
  • Specimen bags
  • Labels and labeling tape

Histology Supplies

  • Embedding cassettes
  • Microtome blades
  • Paraffin wax
  • Tissue processing reagents
  • Staining slides
  • Staining dishes
  • Coverslipping media
  • Mounting medium
  • Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stains
  • Special stains (e.g., Gram stain, PAS stain)

Chemical Reagents

  • Fixatives
  • Decalcifying solutions
  • Alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol)
  • Acetone
  • Xylene
  • Staining reagents
  • Buffer solutions
  • Antibodies (for immunohistochemistry)
  • Enzymes (e.g., proteases)
  • Dyes

Cleaning Supplies

  • Laboratory wipes
  • Disinfectants (e.g., bleach)
  • Cleaning brushes
  • Biohazard waste bags
  • Gloves (nitrile, latex)
  • Aprons and lab coats
  • Eye protection
  • Fume hoods
  • Safety goggles
  • Face shields

Molecular Pathology Supplies

  • PCR tubes
  • QPCR plates
  • DNA/RNA extraction kits
  • Gel electrophoresis reagents
  • Gel staining reagents (e.g., EtBr)
  • Electrophoresis combs
  • Agarose
  • Microfluidic chips
  • Reaction buffers
  • Enzyme inhibitors

Storage and Transport

  • Liquid nitrogen containers
  • Refrigerated storage bags
  • Ice packs
  • Sample transport boxes
  • Coolers
  • Cryogenic storage vials
  • Gel packs
  • Thermometers
  • Freezer boxes
  • Shipping containers

Safety and Protective Equipment

  • Safety data sheets (SDS)
  • Chemical spill kits
  • First aid kits
  • Emergency showers
  • Eyewash stations
  • Biological safety cabinets
  • Waste containers (sharps, biohazard)
  • Spill containment trays
  • Respirators
  • Fire extinguishers

Imaging and Analysis

  • Digital camera for microscopes
  • Imaging software
  • Image analysis kits
  • Calibration slides
  • Image capture devices
  • Monitors
  • Data storage devices
  • Printer paper (for reports)
  • Ink cartridges
  • Backup drives

Quality Control Supplies

  • Control slides
  • Calibration standards
  • QC charts and logs
  • Proficiency testing kits
  • Statistical software
  • Quality assurance materials
  • Control samples
  • Checklists for procedures
  • Compliance documentation
  • Audit tools

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Tape (lab tape, masking tape)
  • Scissors
  • Forceps
  • Scalpels
  • Disposable scalpels
  • Markers (permanent, whiteboard)
  • Rulers
  • Notebooks
  • Clipboards
  • Binders

Additional Consumables

  • Sterile saline
  • Buffers (e.g., PBS)
  • pH strips
  • Latex balloons (for sample transport)
  • Laboratory counters
  • Containers for hazardous waste
  • Test strips (for various assays)
  • Sample racks
  • Sample trays
  • Reagents for specific assays

Specialized Supplies

  • FISH probes
  • PCR reagents
  • Stereomicroscope supplies
  • Histopathology kits
  • Hybridization buffers
  • Antibody diluents
  • Tissue cassettes for special stains
  • RNA isolation kits
  • Protein extraction kits
  • Cell culture media

Equipment-Related Consumables

  • Replacement filters for equipment
  • Printer labels
  • Hardware for microscopes
  • Fume hood filters
  • UV lamp bulbs
  • Water purification filters
  • Centrifuge rotor inserts
  • Thermocycler consumables
  • Refrigeration units (replacement parts)
  • Power cords and connectors

Technology and Software

  • LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) licenses
  • Data backup solutions
  • Networking cables
  • Software updates
  • Barcode scanners
  • Laboratory management software
  • Analytical software licenses
  • Hardware for data collection
  • Calibration tools for software
  • Remote access tools

Additional Lab Items

  • Testing kits (various)
  • Inoculating loops
  • Microbial culture media
  • Antimicrobial disks
  • Hemoglobin electrophoresis supplies
  • Urine test strips
  • Fungal culture media
  • Streak plates
  • Cell counting chambers
  • Dissection kits

Final Consumables

  • Custom reagents
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Gel documentation systems
  • Analyzers (e.g., hematology analyzers)
  • Clinical chemistry reagents
  • Quality control materials
  • Tissues for embedding
  • Specialized containers for frozen samples
  • Transport swabs
  • Sample identification tags

Wrap-Up Supplies

  • Laboratory signage
  • Instruction manuals
  • Technical guides
  • SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
  • Training materials
  • Protocol templates
  • Inventory management supplies
  • Label printers
  • Environmental monitoring supplies
  • Shipping labels

Special Items

  • Antibody conjugates
  • Tissue microarray supplies
  • Slide storage boxes
  • Drying racks for slides
  • Cytogenetics supplies
  • Cell sorting supplies
  • Sterile gloves (various sizes)
  • Antigen retrieval solutions
  • Sample processing kits
  • Instrument cleaning supplies

Last Items

  • Gels and membranes for western blotting
  • Fermentation flasks
  • Nucleic acid quantification kits
  • Cellular imaging supplies
  • Sealing films for plates
  • Anticoagulants (e.g., EDTA)
  • Cloning kits
  • Sterile swabs
  • Culture media (special formulations)
  • Histological mounting media